Design Philosophy

At Green Hat Studio, as interior designers in Pune, we believe that designing a space for you means considering multiple aspects like space, construction integrity, the economy of means, aesthetics etc. We are continuously exploring to enhance your experience by increasing the quality of your space.

As architects in Pune, our design approach is conceived not as a synthesized space of definite activities but as a place to be occupied by you, and as a place to make easy the route of human interaction. This restricts us from following any definite style of work and the form evolves after taking into consideration the function and the site specific environment. Yet the form is independent enough to be unique. While deriving the form, a thread is constantly tied to the energies around the building and how to make the building energy efficient. This encourages us to use local materials, craft persons and appropriate technologies.


Resort At Thangaon

Gondwana Museum

Bungalow For Mr. Anil Chauhan

Interior Design Mr. Madhusudan

Interior Design for Mr. Gadgil

Interior Design For Mr. Bafna


Our Clients

Contact Us

Green Hat Studio

Office No 505, Parakh Capital, Near Lohiya Garden, Hadapsar, Pune (India) - 411028

